Living Liberated Offerings

Living Liberated 1:1

On this guided 1:1 journey, you'll cultivate self-awareness, safety, self-compassion, and authentic self-expression. You'll identify and challenge limiting beliefs, maximize strengths, and develop post-traumatic strategies for continued growth and emotional well-being.

Living Liberated Group

Within a supportive group setting, you will explore and release unsupportive patterns, conditioning, and emotional responses. Join me and reconnect with your authentic self, cultivate resilience, self-compassion, and empowerment for continued growth.

Living Liberated Self-Study

Embark on a self-paced healing journey through the four pillars of the Living Liberated Model™: Lineage, Legacy, Literacy, and Liberation. Find transformative insights and actionable steps to achieve awareness, authenticity, and alignment in this eBook + workbook.